How we manage projects and keep teams up to date

At, we understand the importance of keeping teams informed and up to date on the progress of a project. That’s why we take an agile approach to design and development.

We typically break down larger projects into smaller, manageable chunks and work in “sprints.” This allows us to make quick progress and continuously deliver value. We use regular check-ins to ensure that clients and teams are always in the loop and aware of the status of their project.

We know that effective communication is key to the success of any project, and we work hard to make that happen. Our agile approach allows us to quickly respond to any user or client feedback ensuring needs are met and expectations are exceeded.

Some of the approaches we use to keep teams up to date are:

  • Weeknotes: These are short written summaries at the end of each week that explain what we’ve done, learn and going to do next
  • Show and tells: Presentations at the end of a sprint or period of work where we demo what we’ve done or show what we’ve learnt
  • Stand ups: 10-15 minute daily project updates
  • Retros: Sessions to review what’s going well, what could be improved and what needs to stop
  • Utilisation dashboards: Nothing fancy but a clear picture of what we’ve done and who and how much

We also like to kick off every project with “set up for success” workshops. Where we can get together and start things off right and make sure everyone knows what to expect in the project.

Ultimately what we do for each project depends on context and what works. We find the right mix of approaches alongside the usual project meetings and workshops that help us get on with things.

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